Historical Fiction

Grades 10 +


Code Name Verity

By Elizabeth Wein

2012 - Disney Press 1943

A British spy plane crashes in Nazi-occupied France. Its pilot and passenger are best friends. One of the girls has a chance at survival. The other has lost the game before it's barely begun. When ‘Verity’ is arrested by the Nazis, she's sure she doesn't stand a chance. As a secret agent captured in enemy territory, she's given a simple choice: reveal her mission or face a grisly execution. As she intricately weaves her confession, Verity uncovers her past, how she became friends with the pilot Maddie, and why she left Maddie in the wreckage of their plane. But how many of Verity’s confessions are true and is the truth enough to save her life?

Keywords: Aviation, Diary, Friendship, Pilots, Prisoners of War, Resistance, Women-at-war, WWII, 1940s

Content warning: Please note, this WWII novel contains some scenes of historical violence. Please talk to your teacher if you have any concerns.